Thursday, September 4, 2008

HerMcCain Sarah.

May turn out to be the most powerful storm of the season. Will Pentecostal Palin ultimately sink McCain the way Katrina sank Bush, or help him? Will voters be turned off by Palin's literal interpretation of the Bible in light of Bush's deeply flawed character trait of "religious certainty about his decision making?"

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Obama's two short years in the US Senate.

One of the things that Republican speakers are now saying (incorrectly) is that Obama has only been in the US Senate for two years. It's four! That's a big difference in a position in which it takes a year just to get your bearings. The attempt, of course, is to bring Obama down to Palin's level. People should call Republicans on this lie everytime they say it - as TV interviewers are failing to do, except on the Daily Show.